Instagram is a young and very powerful platform which could help your business significantly if used in correct and effective way! Here are some tips on what could help your posts to get more engagement and lead to booking clients! Here are some tips that will make you visible:
- Switch to an Instagram Business
- Choose the right profile photo. Your own portrait works best and helps to create a personal connection with your followers - because who does not like to know who is behind the Instagram name? Besides you become more recognisable than just a flower on their Instagram feed
- Optimise your Instagram bio! Make it pop and stand out!
- Shoot square to save time and details on cropping
- Posting frequency is not as important as posting consistency. Plan your posts in advance. You will be able to create a story, tension, tease and will get more engagement and interest from your posts
- Know your followers! Like their photos and comment on their posts
- Ask more questions! It always creates more engagement than a statement which does not ask for any engagement
- Cross promote your partners especially those whose clients may be your target clients too. Share the love and tag them - everyone loves to be tagged and featured. They will usually feature you back even if have never asked!
Take advantage of trending hashtags - #LoveWins and #FullMoon, etc. but make sure not to overuse too many or not to use business irrelevant hashtags. Use location tags! They drive the most engagement
Quality over quantity. 3-5 hashtags and a short caption works wonders. 138 to 150 characters are the best for maximising engagement. No one wants to read long stories!
- Include a call-to-action. Tell people what you want them to do. Give them free download or some extras in return. This will lead to your one-to-one contact once you have their contact details.
- Instagram Stories are great for behind the scenes and usually feature less polished images and videos. Your Instagram Story disappears after 24 hours but it is so worth posting one! Make sure to go through Story settings before you post
- Do more Instagram live! Everyone loves live videos and they generate 3 times more traffic! Or post a pre-recorded video. Just don't forget that people often loose their attention after first 30 secs so videos up to 30-100 secs work best.
- Show your product or service in use and use a strong tag for this: #existinphotos #makememorieslast etc
- Repost! Especially if you brand is featured by your client or if the content might be something your followers could be interested in
- Educate. Give tips related to your followers! This can be weather, health, children, wedding tips - anything your follower might be interested in!
- Motivational posts are always liked and shared
Partner with local Instagram influencers such as Insta Bloggers who will showcase your products and services! They have a large follower base and are trusted for their opinions on the latest products and trends.
- Connect to similar businesses as yours and support each other rather than compete!
- Make your posts about your audience rather than your business!
Lets start sharing the love now!
You are more than invited to leave your @InstaName in the comments below as I would love to know you better! All follows and love back are truly appreciated too! See you all there! @dreamartsyphotography